Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What is Hacking? Who are the Hackers?

Hello Everyone, This is our first post on this website and if the website is full of hacking then lets start with the basic terms of Hacking. In this article, we will discuss about the term hacking and hacker. Simply, Hacking has a lot of meanings depending upon the person’s knowledge and his work intentions. There are lots of definitions available on Internet. For Example, "Hacking is an Art as well as a Skill. Hacking is the knowledge by which one gets to achieve his Goals, anyhow, using his Skills and Power".

What is Hacking:
Most people pretends that Hacking is breaking of a law, spoiling the privacy, illegeal access, or simply criminal activities. to be criminals. We agree that there are people out there who use hacking techniques to break the law, but hacking is not really about that. Actually hacking is a skill of  following the law and performing the steps within the limits.

Hacking is simply an art of exploring various security breaches. Since the Internet became widely used in the World, We have started to hear more and more about hacking. Only a few Hackers, such as Kevin Mitnick, are well known. Hacking is the practice of modifying the features of a system, in order to accomplish a goal outside of the creator's original purpose.

Who are the Hackers:
Basically, Hacker is someone who likes to play with Software or Electronic Systems. Hackers enjoy Exploring and Learning how Computer systems operate. But recently, Hacker has taken on a new meaning. Hacking is someone who maliciously breaks into systems for personal gain or for money or for fame. All definitions are totally correct and as we said, it all depends on the situaltion and point of view.

Sometimes, hackers do hacking for Personal gain, Fame, Profit and even Revenge. They simply  Modifies, Delete and Steal critical information. But we are not saĆ¼ing that every hacker in the world is criminal or unethical. There are also ethical hacker who tries hacking for good reasons like to increase the security levels or to avoid and tackle the spammers. These hackers are simply called as Ethical Hackers.

So these are very basic terms of hacking & you have to understand it very well before learning an actual hacking. So stay tuned, we will get back to you with more interesting stuff!

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